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Steamed Spaghetti Squash with Seasonal Vegetables*

Serves 4

3-1/4 to 4 lb spaghetti squash, split lengthwise, seeded
4 large vine-ripe tomatoes
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp virgin olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 T pignoli nuts (pine nuts)
1/2 C finely diced zucchini
1/2 C finely diced yellow squash
1/2 C sliced mushrooms
1/2 C finely diced red and yellow bell peppers
1/2 C diced asparagus
1/2 C broccoli florets
1/2 C cauliflower florets
1 small clove garlic, minced
2 T coarsely chopped basil

Place the squash halves, cut side down, in a jelly roll pan and add about 1/2 inch water. Bake at 400° for about 25 minutes, or until the flesh yields when pressed firmly with your thumb. Remove the pan from the oven and flip the squash over. When cool enough to handle, scrape the flesh with a fork; the squash will resemble strands of spaghetti. Set aside. There should be 4 to 5 cups of squash.

To prepare the sauce, remove the tomato stems and score an x on the bottom, cutting just through the skin. Plunge the tomatoes into boiling water for 10 seconds. Remove and plunge into ice-cold water to “shock” them. Peel the skins with a small knife. Cut the tomatoes in half and gently squeeze the seeds and pulp into a bowl, being careful not to ruin the tomato meat. Finely dice the meat and place it in a clean bowl. Strain the seeds and pulp to extract all the juice. Squeeze the lemon juice into the tomato juice, season with pepper, and whisk in the oil. Add to the diced tomato meat and set aside.

To prepare the vegetables, heat the pignoli nuts in a large sauté pan with cooking spray until they begin to brown. Add the mushrooms and cook for 20 seconds over medium heat. Add the zucchini, squash, peppers, and asparagus, sautéing quickly for about 1 minute. Season with pepper. Add the broccoli, cauliflower, and garlic; cook for 30 seconds, turning the vegetables with a wooden spoon. Add the basil and toss; remove from heat.

Heat the cooked spaghetti squash in a small pan over medium heat with a few tablespoons of water. The water will steam the squash. Drain well.

To serve, divide the tomato sauce onto 4 heated 12-inch plates. Make nests of spaghetti squash in the center of each plate. Spoon vegetables into each nest. Serve as a main course.


  • 1/4 C of grated imported Parmesan cheese may be sprinkled over the nest of vegetables just before serving.
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